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Case Study: Complex Multilingual Translation of a Mental Health eLearning Module

Coaching Association of Canada


When the Coaching Association of Canada aimed to broaden the reach of their eLearning module, “Mental Health in Sport,” which was initially developed in English and French, they turned to wintranslation for assistance. Recognizing the need to support a diverse range of communities—including Indigenous populations and newcomers to Canada—the client decided to translate the module into eight additional languages. These languages included three Indigenous languages (Cree, Inuktitut, and Dene) and five newcomer languages (Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Punjabi, and Tagalog).

The Challenges

The eLearning platform comprised six InDesign brochures, five videos requiring subtitles and voice-over (totaling 7 minutes), and site testing in both left-to-right and the Indigenous languages. Although the platform supported export and import of XLF files for translation, compatibility with language direction and Indigenous language syllabics was uncertain.

Our Solutions

Multi-step process and direct collaboration with the eLearning module development team:

Step 1: Pseudo Translation

To ensure compatibility, we provided pseudo-translated documents for initial testing. This allowed us to identify and address potential issues early on, with a quick round of Quality Assurance (QA) by our translators to assist the technical team.

Step 2: Translation Preparation

The client supplied XLF, InDesign, and video files. Our project managers then prepared these files for translation using Trados Studio, including extracting subtitles from videos. Translation packages, complete with reference materials and style guides, were then sent to the translators.

Step 3: Translation and Editing

After translation, a second round of review was conducted to ensure accuracy and consistency. The workflow was rigorous yet flexible and allowed for differences in cultural approach to translation and revision for Indigenous languages.

Step 4: Translation QA

Post editing, a thorough QA check was enhanced by language industry technology to catch any errors and ensure complete translations.

Step 5: Desktop Publishing (DTP) and Voice Over

Validated XLF files were delivered back to the client for site testing. Concurrently, we worked on formatting the InDesign files, adjusting for language-specific requirements. Final formatted files were proofread by translators to ensure accuracy. Indigenous translators recorded over 40 audio segments for the videos, which were then synchronized with the video timestamps.

Step 6: Site Testing

Once integrated into the eLearning platform, translators conducted comprehensive site testing, acting as participants. They reviewed the entire module, including quizzes, downloadable PDFs, and video content, to ensure correctness and address any issues related to translation readability, cultural considerations, and font compatibility.

Benefits of Our Process

Our multi-step process offered numerous advantages:

  • Addressed and solved technical challenges before and during localization.
  • Saved time by utilizing efficient translation tools for complex files formats.
  • Created legacy materials in a reusable format to ensure consistency, time and cost savings for future client needs.
  • Simplified file management with everything consolidated in one package.
  • Ensured the highest quality translation, layout and voice-over through a meticulous multi-step process.
  • Working directly with the development team allowed fast communication, efficient use of resources, and time savings.


Successful multilingual translation of the “Mental Health in Sport” eLearning module for the Coaching Association of Canada highlights wintranslation’s capability to manage complex projects involving diverse languages and technical challenges.

By translating your materials into languages spoken in Canada, including Indigenous and newcomer languages, you ensure that they can effectively reach and support a broader range of communities from coast to coast to coast.

Contact us today to learn more about our multilingual eLearning translation services.

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