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Lessons in Language: Mohawk


One of our recently completed projects involved the English to Mohawk translation of some basic words and phrases for educational purposes.

This client also needed an interlinear translation, meaning they would require a break down of each word to show which parts of the Mohawk text corresponded to the original English. One of our skilled Mohawk translators was able to provide the thorough explanation our client needed.

Below are a small sample of the terms from this project showing the original English text, the Mohawk translation and pronunciation, and a breakdown of the meaning behind each Mohawk word.

Mohawk Translation Sample
Mohawk Translation Sample

This shows just how different and complex from English the aboriginal languages of Canada are. We found this to be a very interesting project with an exciting chance to learn about the Mohawk language!


Felicia Bratu is the operations manager of wintranslation, in charge of quality delivery and client satisfaction. As a veteran who has worked in many roles at the company since 2003, Felicia oversees almost every aspect of the company operations from recruitment to project management to localization engineering. She recently received certification as a Localization Project Manager as well as Post-Editing Certification for Machine Translation. Felicia holds a BSc. in Industrial Robotics from the University of Craiova, Romania.

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